The cell assembles freight wheelsets with minimal manpower. It measures axle wheel seats, bores the wheel hubs accordingly, and then presses both components together.
The final measurement certifies the correct assembly of the wheelset.
Output an assembled wheelset every 3 minutes
The automation of wheel and axle handling, as well as the boring and measurement processes, makes it possible to run the manufacturing cell with just 2 operators.
Operate the cell with a single borer (if needed)
The system can continue production, while you conduct preventive maintenance or other tasks in either machine, without the need to stop the cell.
Minimum misfit rates
All parameters are controlled for a correct assembly process, minimising misfit rates: from the accurate measurement of the wheel seat to accurate bore machining.
Increase your throughput with smart manufacturing applications
These in-process actions can reduce cycle time, increasing the throughput of the overall cell.
We offer services to keep your BMC in the best condition
Yearly preventive maintenance, calibration, and customised plans managed by a seasoned team
We are prepared to assist you remotely. We respond and manage your request worldwide