The transmitter DAT 1010 IS is able to execute many functions such as : measure and linearisation of the temperature characteristic of RTDs sensors,
conversion of a linear resistance variation, conversion of a voltage signal even coming from a potentiometer connected on its input. The measured values are
converted in a 4÷20 mA current signal . The device guarantees high accuracy and performances stability both in time and in temperature.
The programming of the DAT 1010 IS is made by a Personal Computer using the software PROSOFT, developed by DATEXEL, that runs under the operative
system "WindowsTM ". By use of PROSOFT, it is possible to configure the transmitter to interface it with the most used sensors .
In case of sensors with a no-standard output characteristic, it is possible to execute, via software, a "Custom" linearisation (per step) to obtain an output
linearised signal .
For Resistance and RTDs sensors it is possible to program the cable compensation with 3 or 4 wires.
It is possible to set the minimum and maximum values of input and output ranges in any point of the scale, keeping the minimum span shown in the table below.
Moreover it is available the option of alarm for signal interruption (burn-out) that allows to set the output value as high or low out of scale .
It is housed in a self-extinguish plastic enclosure suitable for DIN B in-head mounting.
certified in according to the Directive ATEX 2014/34/EU