The XARIA-C automatic Weather station is designed to meet requirements for measurement and for the use of climatology networks and unmanned sites. It comes equipped as standard with 6 sensor inputs (temperature, humidity, rainfall, solar radiation, wind speed and direction) and one transmission line (PSTN or GSM) is available.
XARIA-C keeps all principlesimplemented in the XARIARange making possible to havehigh performance equipmentgetting the ability to adapt tothe range of environmental andoperating constraints.
This automatic station issuitable for the needs ofmeasurements and exploitationof the climatologic networksand the isolated sites.
XARIA-C is basically equippedwith six sensors inputs(Temperature, Humidity,Raingauge, Wind speed &direction, Global radiation). Atransmission channel (RTC orGSM) is available.
XARIA-C authorizes theautomatic diffusion of its datain programmed mode or alarmmode.
The acquisition of additionalmeasurements is possible byusing extension field bus(CAN) or/and Cibus.
XARIA-C allows the acquisition of the following meteorological parameters: Temperature, Humidity,Rainfall, Wind speed & direction, Global Radiation.
By using fieldbus, measurements can be extended to the following parameters: Atmospheric pressure,Soil moisture, Cibus Wind etc…
Recording of data is made each: 1 mn, 6 mn, hourly (30 mn in PATAC mode)