CAOBS Chrome software was developed to gather, operate and display the meteorological parameters input from SIOMA to the Meteorological service, the control tower and airport operating personnel. It uses WEB technology for optimal display.
CAOBS Chrome has been developed to gather, process and display the MET parametersat the airport meteorological office, ATC Tower and airport operation staff.CAOBS Chrome integrates the latest technologies in terms of software and networkdesign using a WEB client-server technology and a robust data transfer protocol.CAOBS Chrome provides a remote supervision of the field sensors, simplifying themaintenance operations.
The CAOBS Chrome system includes :
CAOBS Chrome suite software for Observer, Forecaster, Maintenance and ATCworking positions allowing the display of all meteorological parameters, observationparameter inputs and the validation of all aeronautical and synoptical codingmessage projects.
A DCU acquisition platform based on a client/server architecture including a SQLtype data base process and a WEB server. The redundancy and the security of thesystem are assured by the use of a SAN and/or RAID disks along with a highlyconfigurable policy management that is based on user or job groups (maintenance,observer, controller …).