The HD32.1 Thermal Microclimate is a data logger multifunction instrument to measure the microclimate in moderate, hot, severe hot, cold environments and the measure of physical quantities. It is provided with 8 inputs for probes equipped with SICRAM module and a back-lighted graphic display. It has been designed for microclimate analysis in the workplace; the instrument is used to detect the necessary parameters to establish if a certain workspace is suitable to perform certain activities.
The instrument can manage three operating programs that can be loaded by the user, according to the measurements program and the quantities being detected.
The operating programs are:
•prog.A – Microclimate Analysis : this program can simultaneously detect: Globe thermometer temperature – Natural ventilation wet bulb temperature – Environment temperature – Atmospheric pressure – Relative humidity – Wind speed. It can also display the local turbulence intensity Tu, for DR (Draught Rating) calculation, WBGT index (Wet Bulb Glob Temperature) with or without solar radiation, WCI index (Wind Chill Index) and average radiation temperature tr.
•prog.B – Discomfort Analysis : this program can simultaneously detect: Air temperature at head height (1.7 m for a standing person; 1.1 m for a seated person) – Air temperature at abdomen height (1.1 m for a standing person; 0.6 m for a seated person) – Air temperature at ankle height (0.1 m) – Temperature at floor level – Temperature of the net radiometer – Net radiation – Radiant asymmetry temperature. This program is also used to calculate the local discomfort indexes due to vertical temperature gradients or radiant asymmetry temperature.