"CSS-U" substations are designed for partial or total underground installation for transformation and distribution of energy for voltage up to 24kV . Equipped with SF6 MV switchgears and LV transformer protection board and for transformers up to 1250 kVA.
These substations are erected, equipped and routine tested in factory, and consigned to the customers ready for their installation and switching-on.
Due to its particular design, is suitable to be installed in areas where building or landscape constraints are present, besides, may be camouflaged, by using the upper-cover as support of i.e.: seats for squares, small green yards, flower holders, publicity broadsides, etc…, permitting a complete integration with the surroundings.
The substation is divided in transformer and switchgears room, separated by a (thermal) insulated segregation with a sliding door originating a natural ventilation flow.
Substations of the “CSS-U” series are in accordance with IEC 62271-202, having the following advantages:
Design verified trough type tests performed in accordance with standards.
Building and assembling under quality system in accordance with ISO 9001 standard.
Routine tests performed in factory for the whole substation.
The operations on site, for the put in service of the substation, are limited to its positioning and the eventual installation of the transformer and MV and LV connections only.