Dexion Carton flow is a vital part in the supply chain for components at assembly lines and conveyer belt lines. A picking station is constructed of a rack supplied with leaning roller tracks used to transport components to the assembly station. Wheeled tracks can also be used in warehouses as a part of the overall logistic process. Loading on one side and unloading on the opposite according the FIFO principals (First in first out).
Dexion carton flow systems are built either as stationary units or supplied with lockable wheels allowing for fast and simple changes in warehouse layout. Loading and unloading are separated into different aisles and picking can be conducted without interruptions.
The racks are adjustable and designed from an ergonomic point of view in order to obtain efficient handling for the workers.
Storing in carton flow systems has large economic advantages due to the fact that cartons are stored with a high packing density, releasing floor space compared with traditional storage methods, while also reducing travel distances and times between stock shelves and picking face.