Based on various ferrule technologies, as well as, mechanical and optical interfaces, the Diamond F-3000® connector is a widely used and appreciated solution. The product family includes a complete range of connectors, adapters and network accessories, such as attenuators, hybrid adapters, transition adapters, terminations and reflectors.
The F-3000® is a fiber optic "small form factor" connector utilizing a 1.25 mm ferrule. The Diamond F-3000® family is designed according to the international IEC 61 754-28 standard and is LC standard compatible.
Features and strengths
• Automatic protective cap
Implifies handling
Durable protection against scratches and debris
• Excellent mechanical and optical performances
Minimization of losses and reflections
• High quality standards
Constant reliability
Reliable testing processes
• Long component life
High performance materials
Minimization of long-term failures
• Large product portfolio
Variants for telecommunication, laser, photonics and markets in harsh environments
The difference is in the details
The protective cap feature of the Diamond F-3000® connector opens and closes automatically when the patch cable is mated and de-mated. It not only protects the contact surface from scratches and debris, but also protects the User from any emitted laser beam light.
By using Diamond's two-component ferrule, in conjunction with our proprietary Active Core Alignment technology (ACA), performance is significantly improved in terms of insertion loss (IL) (typically < 0.1 dB; max. 0.15 dB for the single-mode "Low IL" version) and return loss RL (< 85 dB for the APC single-mode version).