Dibal DMI-620 weight indicators are suitable for multiple functions in weighing processes (piece counting, checkweighing, dosing…), and they are connectable to up to 2 weighing platforms up to 14 load cells.
Piece counting.
Checkweighing (minimum-target-maximum).
Programmable tares (up to 10).
Weighings saving (up to 1,000).
Dosing: 1 product / 2 speeds (with 4 input/Output option).
Checkweighing (with 4 input/Output option). 1 or 2 optional plates.
4-20 mA / 0-10 V analog output (optional).
Real time clock, battery-run.
Database for 400 PLUs (products) and 400 records (clients, suppliers, operators...).
Optional ALiBi memory (pending type approval).