Audio amplifier AMP-V01
digitalwith RS-485 interfacelow-frequency

audio amplifier
audio amplifier
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Other characteristics
digital, low-frequency, with RS-485 interface

Max.: 265 V

Min.: 12 V


Max.: 16,000 Hz

Min.: 10 Hz


AMP-V01 is a cluster for the analysis of audio for systolic professional applications. The high performance is obtained thanks to the implementation of the most advanced digital technologies, that allow the digital processing of audio signals. The chain of low-frequency signal is in fact directly processed by a multiple system of 32-bit DSP, allowing a customizable set of parametrization. Sub modem audio extractors sync signals, DTMF Decoder and anything else that could be transmitted simultaneously with a digital audio can be processed and analyzed in real time. The pair of input and output are made via XLR connector and electrically isolated by means of transformers. AMP-V01 can provide also an amplification of the signal in transit with a maximum output level of 36 dBu. It 'also a phone jack on the front panel for listening in headphones. AMP-V01 also lends itself as AES-EBU interface, both for the input is for the output. This allows digital audio streams of be converted to analog and vice versa. Specific applications can be supplied with the simple support operating a PC with Windows operating system. AMP-V01 can also be used as system surveillance. A series of dry contact available on the back apparatus allow remote indications regarding the presence or less modulation, as well as reports from processing.


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