Data Link with Video full HD and
Radio Control
The new XVTR is a powerful Radio Control and Telemetry receiver combined with a latest generation Full HD video transmitter in a single box and already connected internally.
To Work up 150Km or more.
*Range RC max: 250Km, Video Full HD: 15km, 100Km, 150Km
The XVTR transmitter forms a powerful long-range datalink in conjunction with the XVRE video receiver and optionally with the WMX481 RC transmitter.
XLRS systems with Full HD digital video, normally connected to the SATPRO tracker antenna, XVHD_SAT, GCSD4, GCSD5.
Radio Control Receiver RXLRSV2
The RC receiver is diversity with a 6th Generation radio frequency module and is capable of reaching more than 250Km LOS with the appropriate combination of antennas.
For example 5dBi omnidirectional antenna in the UAV and SATPRO with 10dBi Biquad antenna, like the QB89 on the ground.
Excellent frequency stability: +-1ppm
Two frequency bands: from 313Mhz to 470Mhz and from 863Mhz to 950Mhz to choose from.
-113dBm of sensitivity at 100kb of modulation with 500mW of power for Europe and 1W for America.
The frequency, power, sensitivity and modulation are adjustable, normally they are blocked for safety and regulations.
All connections, including the antenna, are protected against ESD (electrostatic discharge).
Dedicated power connector so it is not possible to mix up the power connection and damage the receiver.
If you need to fly NLOS (without vision between antennas), you will need to use a repeater (consult).