DIMA’s automatic carousel machine for moulding of all “pasta filata” stretched cheese type, particularly suitable for producing pizza cheese, kashkaval, kasar, suluguni and similar cheeses in cylindrical or brick shape blocks.
The carousel-moulding machine allows to, automatically, portion "pasta-filata" cheese in cylindrical or brick shape blocks without any use of external moulds or manual handling from side of the operators. Thus allows to grant; an automatic shaping process, eliminating operator’s intervention at moulding stage and consequently avoid any possible product contamination that could be generated from the manual handling of the operators.
The DM61 moulder type is equipped with pre-cooling moulding head which makes the blocks of cheese pre-cooled (by means of cold water circulating around the forming tubes) while portioned into the forming tubes of the moulding carousel during the moulding process.
When coming out from the carousel machine, the cheese blocks have already consistent and stable shape to drop directly into the cooling and brining downstream equipment.
Possible products:
Pizza-cheese, filoni, silani, kashkaval, kasar, suluguni
Cylindrical, brick or rectangular shapes cheese blocks
Weight range from 100 g up to 3 kg
Custom-sized moulding tubes, as per Customer’s wish
Interchangeable moulding carousel head for a large variety of sizes and weights of the cheese to achieve