Engraving of rolling mills that are used on pulling profiles, wires, strings, electrodes, iron and copper etc. materials named as hot and cold pulling rolling mill, ring, pulley, roller, disk or forming roller ring etc. can be manufactured and also, if requested, correction process can be done with extremely sensitive cnc processing, increasing the quality of the product and longevity of the rolling pills to give optimal benefit to the customer. By doing correction to the rolling mill, manufacturing expenses of the customer is lessened and longevity of rolling mill teams are increased.
Rusting of roller ring pulleys that are on rolling mill machine stations over time causes some damages on the produced product. In this situation, new roller ring pulleys are ordered from abroad, and these are very expensive and with delays due to shipment time, causing disruptions with manufacturing. Our company, in similar situations, lowers the victimization of these companies by doing corrections on those rollers, re-engraving them, reprocessing its profile, revising it in a very short time with the same quality. These roller rings are now manufactured and processed in Turkey with the same quality.
Services that we provide
Profile processing
Roller rings, whether its made of carbide or any other material, can be processed, corrected and used again. Doğa Makina with its utmost sensitivity and years of experience, is unrivalled in this subject in our country.