Dolezych DoComfort 4-leg Chain Sling:
- With the same nominal diameter, up to 25 % more load capacity compared to chain systems of Grade 80. Hence: significant weight reduction at the same load capacity - - ------ Considerable weight reduction
- Compliant with all requirements of EU-standards EN 818-4
- Less wear of chain links and accessories through higher surface hardness
- Impact toughness in comparison to Grade 80 more than doubled
- In itself an non-confusable system, only chains and components with equal load capacity can be combined with another
- Elongation strain at least 20 %
-Load capacity at temperatures up to + 200° C = 100 %, from + 200° C – + 300° C = 90 %, from + 300° C – + 400° C = 75 % of nominal load capacity
- Quality-Management-System DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 warranted, constantly high quality standard. Moreover, regular inspection of the production through external inspection agencies
All chain components have:
- Official approval stamp of BG for the presently highest possible Grade 100 in the area of chain slings
- Standard turquoise color