Electric Spring Testing Machine Automatic Spring Tension Pressure Testing Machine Digital Display Spring Tester.Fully automatic spring testing machine. According to the national standard JB/T7796-2005 "spring tension and pressure testing machine specified technical requirements. This machine is suitable for a variety of spiral spring slightly tension and pressure test. The machine can automatically test the free length of the spring, at the same time out of the four points of the force and spring coefficient.
Product features:
1, can automatically determine the spring tension, pressure and elastic coefficient, can be measured at the same time
four points;
2, the touch screen operating system, the operation is simple and convenient
3, the force can be freely set up to
three decimal places 0.001N. The displacement can reach 0.01MM.
4, with automatic and manual zero catching function. Can realize
efficient zero, power off automatically remember height;
5, the pressure test can realize the height method and deformation method
of double test (pressure method: can realize the test spring compression remaining how long the corresponding force. Deformation method: can realize how much downward compression after touching the spring. Both functions can measure 4 points at the same time).
6, through preloading and rigidity compensation to ensure the accuracy of the measured value;
7, load sensor overload protection and emergency stop function;
8, with a micro printer.