Hispeed MOPA version fiber laser marking machine integrates a MOPA (Master Oscillator Power Amplifier ) laser source for better marking performance in plastic materials. MOPA fiber laser sources allow users to select (in addition to conventional power, speed and frequency settings) the laser pulse width. It is especially useful when marking some plastic and other very sensitive materials to thermal processes, thereby obtaining a final result with more quality and greater contrast.
What is a MOPA Laser?
The light of marking lasers is generated in pulses. Generally, the pulse duration is non-adjustable. What is special about a MOPA laser is that its pulse duration is variable: Long or short pulses can be adjusted.Take an example, the stainless steel material can change the color of the surface layer of the material by adjusting the pulse width,so as to obtain a decorative effect with different colors. MOPA laser marking machine can do black and white marking on most metals and plastics,black marking on anodized aluminum, color marking on stainless steel and titanium.Advantages of MOPA laser For short pulses and lower pulse energy, the material is heated less and the area of the heat affected zone is reduced. This results in more advantages and possibilities for laser marking metals and plastics.
What we can do with MOPA laser?
MOPA fiber laser marking machine can do black and white marking on most metals and plastics, black marking on anodized aluminum, color marking on stainless steel and titanium.