P750 Referene thermometer
The multi-function-instruments are outstanding for their high accuracy
of ±0.03°C. You can optional plug in Pt100 or thermocouple (type J, K, L, N, R, S, T), as well as probes for humidity and flow. The high precision makes them eminently suitable as reference instruments.
Input: Pt100, 4-wire
Thermocouple type K, J, L, N, R, S, T
rel. humidity, flow
Measuring range:
Humidity: 0 %...100 %rF
Flow: 0 ... 40 m/s
0.01°C from -200°C...+200°C
otherwise 0.1°C, 0.1%, 0.01 m/s
Thermocouple: 0.1°C,
Humidity: 0,1% / 0.1%
Flow: 0,01 m/s / 0.01 m/s
±0.03°C from -50°C...+199.99°C
±0.05°C from -200°C...-50.01°C
otherwise ±0.05% of reading
Thermocouple: ±1.0°C +0.1% (Type R, S) of reading
±0.2°C from 0°C...+200°C (Type K, J, L, N, T)
±0.5°C to 1,000°C, ±1.0°C remaining range
Humidity: ±1,5%rF (2...98%) @ 23°C
Flow: 1% of end of value