Metallization is the best alternative to hot-dip galvanizing when the resistance and ser-vice life of steel structures are decisive.
Metallization is well-suited for steel structures which cannot be hot-dip galvanized for various reasons, such as steel structure size, design, heat tolerance or the steel type itself. Metallization can be used as the only surface treatment but is usually followed by a paint process with several layers. The structures will be cleaned by means of air-blow cleaning before the metallization process. This will ensure the desired surface finish to increase the adhesion, strength and overall service life of the metallization.
The zinc is applied by means of an arc at high temperatures using the same principles as spray painting. The zinc pistol's manual application of metallization can provide the desired zinc film thickness with great accuracy. The application is more flexible than hot-dip galvanizing and can precisely cover inaccessible places - such as bearing fits or threaded holes.
The quality will then be inspected visually and the film thickness is decided by a film thickness meter to ensure optimum quality and a uniform feel. Film thickness is measured in my (µ).
Professional metallization of exposed and special items of all sizes and designs.
Every day, DOT is meeting the high requirements for corrosion protection which is delivered as is or subsequently painted. Many items are painted after metallization which also enhances corrosion protection in addition to the practical, aesthetic and functional purposes. Paint is chosen in accordance with the item's end use and the customer's wishes for colour codes and corrosion categories.