The automatic dosing machine ensures the precise weighing of metal powders, ceramic bonds, diamonds, granulates and other bulk materials. Its purpose is to ensure exact material quantities, avoid dosing errors and optimise the process for high-quality end products.
There are various types of dosing machines, including weight and volume feeders that work with calibrated dosing units. These enable precise adjustment to different material densities and properties, minimising fluctuations in dosing.
The dosing machine can be used flexibly for different materials in the bulk goods sector and can be adapted to different production requirements. Electronic control and monitoring ensure precise dosing and prevent over- or underdosing.
Efficiency is increased by minimising waste products, reducing manual intervention in the production process and quickly adapting to different recipes and mixing ratios.
Dosing machine for dry powder mixtures
Precise weighing results through constructive measures to avoid disturbing influences (such as e.g. draughts, shocks, vibrations) on the weighing structure
Main features:
PLC-controlled machine cycle with data input via touch panel
Self-diagnostics with error indication on display
Self-optimisation after each weighing process
Quick emptying of the powder hopper
Protection of the vibratory conveyor against metal dust
30 weighing cups (50 ml each)
Conversion from grams to carats
Conversion to other weights or powder types
tool-free disassembly of all powder-carrying parts for quick cleaning and/or blow-out to avoid powder carry-over and reduce downtime
constant filling quantities due to automatic ejection of incorrect weights