In-line Pinhole detection and quality monitoring
-A must have in enameled wire production
HVC 360 Flexible is a High Voltage Continuity tester used for detection of pin-holes and weak spots in the wire insulation. It is designed for in-line application at wire manufacturing plants and on winding machines.
When the wire passes through the conductive brushes, any current leakage being measured will reflect the insulation properties of the enamel.
HVC 360 Flexible for In-line Quality monitoring
- Most reliable quality control tool
- Valuable documentation for each meter of a spool
- Reduction of scrap
- Improved efficiency
- Measurement with two level detection
- Storing of data on local PC or central server
- IEC 60851-5 compliant
Basic operation principle
When the wire passes through the conductive brushes, any current leakage being measured will reflect the insulation properties of the enamel.
The high voltage control circuit is designed with an advanced current control with build in current limiter of 100μA to avoid sparks damage of the wire insulation or electrode system. Based on the most advanced software platform on the market, the HVC 360 Flexible test system is applicable for testing all types of wire insulation with a test voltage from 350V up to 6 kV DC.