» With integrated speed controller for 4Q operation
» The target speed can be set using a 0...+10 V (optional -10 V...+10 V) analog voltage input or digital inputs
» The motor is supplied as a standard with one connection plug (power stage and logic)
Comes with easy to use PC user interface for parameterization
Nominal voltage - V:12
Nominal current - A:7.1
Nominal torque - Ncm:19.5
Nominal speed - rpm:3260
Friction torque at no load - Ncm:2
Maximum torque Ncm:52.3
No load speed - rpm:4005
Maximum output power W:122
Nominal power - W:66.4
Torque constant - Ncm/A:3.3
Rotor inertia gcm^2:44
Weight kg:0.56