The DSE5J is a direct operated directional valve with integrated electronic proportional control and position feedback. It is normally used to control the direction and the speed of hydraulic actuators. Transducer and digital card allow a reduced hysteresis and repeatability (lower than 0,2%), a response time of 60 Hz (at < 90° with a signal of 10%), and pressure gain that enables to reach the 80% of total pressure at 2% of reference signal.
The digital driver gives great performances, i.e. the response times reduction, the perfect interchangeability among different valves, the possibility to modify parameters via software.
A spool with mechanical zero overlap is available, and the optional kit LINPC-USB/10 that enables the reading of the values coming from the external command, allows the exclusion of PLC to control the valve directly, and inteface PC and electronic card.