Certified and approved PM CEMS providing very high quality monitoring of very low to medium particulate concentrations in dry flue gas flows.
- Certified for the range of 0-7.5 mg/m3 the lowest range achievable for a dust CEMS (Continuous Emissions Monitoring System)
- New: ATEX & IECEx certified to operate safely in hazardous environments, minimizing the risk of ignition and explosion
- Advanced measurement accuracy: Utilizes forward scattering technology to minimize cross sensitivity to particle type and size
- Suitable for high temperature stacks and hazardous Ex zones: Designed to operate effectively in extreme conditions
- Single side installation: Eliminates the need for optical alignment, making it ideal for thick-walled or double-walled ducts
- User-friendly flange: Easy installation and maintenance; Simply unscrew, turn slightly, and remove the instrument from the stack/duct
- Simplified audit process: Allows for easy verification with manual filters, ensuring consistent and accurate performance checks without removing the device from the stack
- Status-dependent indicator light on the analyzer: Changes color to reflect the operational state of the analyzer, providing clear and immediate visual feedback
- Pressure-controlled purge air system: Ensures that the particulate analyzer remains safeguarded in the event of a blower or plant instrument air system failure
TÜV and MCERTs certified to EN 15267-1:2009, EN 15267-2:2009, EN 15267-3 :2007, EN 14181 :2014
QAL1 as defined by EN14181 ; QAL3 compliance to EN14181
US EPA capable as a PM-CEMS or PM-CPMS
Compliant with US EPA 40 CFR 60 PS 11