• Proven in the field for over 15 years, DUX DS Series Scalers are cost efficient, reliable, high production machines designed to safely and efficiently scale loose rock from up to 10.6-meter (35-ft) high tunnel backs and ribs
• The heavy-duty articulated four-wheel drive chassis and retractable stabilizers offer a stable base for the telescopic scaling boom that swings 45° to either side and extends 2.74 -meter (9-ft) for maximum work area coverage. Accurate tool placement is assured by the 360° tool rotation /tilt head and a variety of boom actions controlled by two pilot operated joysticks located on arm rests of captain’s seat
• The fully equipped, pressurized, noise suppression FOPS operator’s comfort cab with 56 cm (22-in.) hydraulic elevating feature allows for maximum visibility
• DUX Scalers are available with interchangeable ripping claw with mechanical tooth and optional hydraulic hammer with chisel tool, as well as optional dozer blade for clearing rock debris and water sprayer for dust control lower level operation