KIMBLE® KIMAX® Pycnometer with Mercury filled Thermometer
• Manufactured from borosilicate glass 3.3
• The 50mL size may be used to obtain the specific gravity of pigments (ASTM D153)
• Each flask body is numbered for ready identification
• Supplied with a medium length Standard Taper 10/18 thermometer with a range of 14 to 38 °C in 0.2° increments
• Thermometer is mercury filled
• Thermometer is retested for accuracy within ± 0.2 °C
• Standard Taper 5/12 side tube cap has a small vent near the top
• Body is conical for maximum stability
• Capacity is within 10 percent of nominal shown on the flask
Density measurement is a specific, analytical measuring method based on the displacement of the liquid or fluid in the vessel.