Dual-Cure electronic conformal coating and encapsulant technology represents the newest advancement in light/moisture cure technology. Dymax Dual-Cure conformal coatings and encapsulants for printed circuit boards (PCB) and electronics assembly applications are specifically formulated to ensure complete cure in applications where shadowed areas on high-density circuit boards are a concern.
Previously, areas shadowed from light were managed by selective coating - eliminating the need to cure in shadowed areas or a secondary heat-cure process. Users needed to balance the cost of selective dispensing equipment and time/energy costs of a secondary heat cure.
Dual-Cure conformal coating and encapsulating materials enable shadowed areas on PCBs to cure over time with moisture, eliminating the need for that second process step or concerns of component life degradation due to temperature exposure. In addition, Dymax Dual-Cure products fluoresce bright blue when exposed to UV light and are easily dispensed. Read more regarding dispensing equipment selection and setup considerations for Dual-Cure materials.