EE872 Modular 4 in 1 probe for CO2, humidity, temperature and pressure
The EE872 reliably measures CO2 concentration up to 5 % (50 000 ppm) in agriculture, life stock barns, hatchers, incubators, green houses or outdoors. The active pressure and temperature compensation with on-board sensors leads to best CO2 measurement accuracy independently of the altitude or environmental conditions.
EE872 incorporates the E+E dual wavelength NDIR CO2 sensor, which automatically compensates for ageing effects, is highly insensitive to pollution and ensures an outstanding long term stability. The multi-point CO2 and temperature adjustment leads to an outstanding measurement accuracy. The RH sensing element with E+E proprietary coating is suitable even for aggressive and corrosive environment.
Beside CO2, the EE872 measures also relative humidity (RH), temperature and ambient pressure (p). Additionally, the devices calculated also the dew point temperature (Td).
The heated versions of the EE872 are suitable even for high humidity and condensing environment. The IP65 enclosure and the PTFE filter cap offer excellent protection in polluted environment. With a catalytic filter cap, the EE872 is also appropriate for applications with periodical H2O2 sterilization.
The CO2 measured data is available simultaneously on the analogue voltage and current outputs. Depending on the EE872 version, the RS485 interface with Modbus RTU or BACnet MS/TP protocol offers also the RH, T, p, or Td data.
The free PCS10 Product Configuration Software together with an optional adapter cable facilitates the configuration and adjustment of the EE872.