MacroMech™ 1-Axis Tilting Stage
• High resolution 1-axis tilt
• Motorizable
• Inch and metric versions
• 7.5˚ total range
This Tilting Stage provides a controlled angular displacement of ±3.75 degrees. The stage has a pivot at one end and a tilting drive at the other. The baseplate is held in contact with the micrometer or MotorDriver head by three tension springs connecting the platforms, eliminating any backlash in the drive. The platform position of the manual stage is controlled by a precision micrometer head which reads to 0.01 mm, where one division corresponds to 20 arcsec of displacement. If motorization is required a MotorDriver or EncoderDriver can be ordered separately to replace the micrometer head in the manual stage. MotorDrivers provide remote control with a resolution of 2 arcsecs and EncoderDrivers offer full motorized control from a computer and 1 arcsec resolution.
Range: ±3.75°
Resolution -
Micrometer Actuator: 5 arcsec
MotorDriver Actuator: 2 arcsec
EncoderDriver Actuator: 1 arcsec
Reading Accuracy1: 10 arcsec
Load Capacity: 10 kg (22 lb)
Weight: 0.6 kg (1.2 lb)
1 Micrometer-driver stages only