The CentriFeeder line of feeders allow for both an accurate, real-time flow measurement, as well as near perfect control of flow rate and total. For blending applications, control the flow rate of an individual ingredient, or combine several CentriFeeders for near perfect recipe control. If you are controlling ingredients entering a batching process, use the CentriFeeder for controlling the total of one or more ingredients entered into the batch.
The CentriFeeder can be used for continuous bulk density measurement without cumbersome sampling or the stopping of flow. Continuous bulk density measurement allows you the option of measuring the bulk density of the entire flow of a product while in process which can lead to tighter control of the density by accepting and rejecting material based on the near instantaneous output of the CentriFeeder. This feedback as to accepted and rejected bulk density can be used to perform upstream checks on equipment or process procedures as well. Moreover, the CentriFeeder is typically repeatable to within +/-1.0 lb/ft3.
If positioned after a large holding tank, silo or bin of stored material, a Continuous Bulk Density Meter can maintain the bulk density of a flow of product within a predetermined range. This range can be set by determining the upper and lower bulk density limits for the process. As product from the silo or bin is discharged, the material will flow through the Continuous Bulk Density Meter, which will output the real-time bulk density of the flow of product.