Bogie testing machine

bogie testing machine
bogie testing machine
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Test type
compression, multi-parameter, force
Operating mode
Test material
spring, bogie
for railway applications
vertical, horizontal
Other characteristics
precision, high-stability


Easydur Bogie test bench has been designed to allow our customers to test all different kind of Bogies (Passenger trains, Cargo trains, Metros, Trams). Our great know-how in spring testing makes our bogie compression system the real Plus of our machine. We are able to simulate, with maximum accuracy, real-life forces and weights of all kind of vehicles. Thanks to Easydur homemade design, based on 100% internal mechanical drawings, our customers can perform all maintenance operations on bogies with great ease. We are able to supply several optional tools that can be integrated in our system for all measurement needs. We point out that Easydur Bogie test bench is equipped with two electric or hydraulic pressers, with optional “chasse” test device. According to customer needs, Easydur can realize a pit version or an overfloor version. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS Measuring of wheel diameters (manual or automatic) Leakage of pneumatic springs and air-brake system Measuring of axle impedance Wheel distance measuring Axle angle Diagonal axle distance Wheels movements under load Wheels profile Detection of tilting angle Spring profile analysis (by camera) Bogie weight Automatic X-axis movements of the pressers along the crossbar Optional chasse Interfaceable wheel profiles and diameters measurement



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*Prices are pre-tax. They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates.