Aura High-Load tensile machine is part of the series of systems able to perform tests with loads of up to 300 T employs three ball screws, a load cell sized according to requirements (1500 to 3000 kN) and automatic double-actuator hydraulic grips (it’s perfect for measuring tensile strength of rebars, for instance). Reference standards are, among the others, ISO 6892-1, ASTM A370, ISO 10180, ISO 15630, DIN 488 and JIS G3112. Aura 1500-3000 kN can mount a video extensometer (contactless) ideal also for higher temperature tensile tests. Load cell reading happens 1000 times/second (1000 Hz), with a maximum resolution of 200.000 divisions. Aura comes with EasyQs, the software developed by Easydur on the Windows 10/11 operating system.
The Aura series consists of different electromechanical machines for tensile, compression, bending and shear tests.
Depending on the materials, applications and loads required by customers, governed by international testing standards, Easydur can offer solutions tailored to their needs.
The high-load Aura series includes tensile testers capable of performing tensile tests with loads of up to 300 tonnes.
In this configuration, Aura tensile machine boasts a solid steel structure with no less than three ball screws, a load cell sized according to requirements (1500 to 3000 kN) and automatic hydraulic grips (in this case, double-actuator hydraulic grips, for the perfect symmetry) that guarantee a better hold than other types of fastening components (such as mechanical grips, or pneumatic grips).