Ambient air quality is one of the major environmental and health challenges facing our communities.
Regulatory limits for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM2.5, PM10) are frequently exceeded in urban areas. Vehicle emissions are the biggest culprit, but there are plenty of other sources. Heating systems, production plants, incineration plants and agricultural activities also cause air pollution by emitting pollutants such as carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and ammonia (NH3).
Hyperlocal data collected from multiple air quality measurement points is necessary in order to understand the realities of air pollution, identify its main sources and pinpoint locations where action is needed first.
EcomSmart 2 by Ecomesure is one of the responses to the challenges affecting our communities. The device measures air quality parameters in real time and sends them to Ecomesure’s platform where they can be visualized, analyzed and integrated 24/7.
A powerful solution and accurate data
EcomSmart 2 is the cutting-edge technological solution that simultaneously monitor up to 10 parameters in real time: gases, particulate matter and environmental factors.
Each integrated sensors is qualified and calibrated according to a well defined process to provide accurate and reliable data that are automatically transferred to the secure online platform
An easy to handle system
It features an ingenious opening and attachment system that allows you to easily slide the device onto the mounting plate and hold its protective case open in a single motion.