This is an Aurora 3000 with a 3 length nephelometer.It is used for analyzing a number of different contributors for pollution in the air or studying the radioactive force using the help of a backscatter.
It has a LED backlight source which is very helpful in reading of the analysis of the in-depth of a particulate matter at 525 nm, 450 nm and 635 nm which helps in increasing accuracy. The unit used to backscatter is standard. This is basically the light that is measurement from the back to the source of the light of about 90-170° after collision with a particulate matter.
Has a warranty of 3 years on the light source.
It is guaranteed not to fail.
Very robust and mobile.
This is a very low carbon footprint as the internal heater is lowered to a 12 volt power source. It is 15 watts without the help of a heater.This makes very minimal power consumption.