The Electrochemical Impedance Analyzer is desigend to perform electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) with the addition of an EA163 Potentiostat (up to 100 kHz).
EIS applies a small, non-destructive, AC waveform to a sample and measures the subsequent attenuation and phase shift of the signal. The experiment is repeated over a range of frequencies (typically up to 10 per decade) and the results are modelled as a combination of resistors and capacitors (and other electrical components) which, in turn, can be interpreted as physicochemical phenonena. In particular, a sample that has a layered stucture can have the electrical conductivity of the layers determined, and if the diectric constant(s) of the sample are known then the thickness of the layers can also be determined.
EIS is also often used in the characterisation of surface processes, such as corrosion.
Performance of conducting polymer electrodes for stimulating neuroprosthetics. R A Green, P B Matteucci, R T Hassarati, B Giraud, C W D Dodds, S Chen, P J Byrnes-Preston, G J Suaning, L A Poole-Warren and N H Lovell, Journal of Neural Engineering, 10, 016009. DOI: 10.1088/1741-2560/10/1/016009