Apply a fine, uniform coating of lubricants, corrosion inhibitors, and release agents from any angle with the MicroCoat® MC781 Pulsed Lubrication System from Nordson EFD.
Designed to provide precise, consistent applications of low- to high-viscosity lubricants, the MC781 reduces oil use while making metal forming or die casting operations safer. Better control also maintains cleaner parts.
Coat stock up to 6” wide or for wider stock use multiple systems. System configuration includes a lubricant reservoir, one or more valves, and a valve controller.
• Controlled, uniform coverage – from any angle
• Expandable system for different coverage areas
• Flexible feed from tanks, pumps or central system
• Versatility to handle different lubricant viscosities
• Blanks, sheet, or coil-fed stock
• Drawing, piercing, and crimping
• Pulsed lubrication (up to 300x/minute)