EIT's LEDCure™ radiometers provide a patented Total Measured Optic Response. Everything in the instrument "optics stack" is included in the overall instrument response, not just the optical filter. The Total Measured Optic Response provides consistent, repeatable and accurate readings run to run, unit to unit and source to source.
- Easy to use format, provides Irradiance (W/cm2) and Energy Density (J/cm2) values on the display as well as the irradiance profile
- The "Standard" version shows all data on the display
Display can be set to Graph or Reference Mode
- The "Profiler" version shows data on the display plus downloads the irradaince profile (Watts/cm2 as a function of time) to a computer for further analysis
Profiler allows easy comparison of different LEDs, power levels, height above substrate and exposure time/line speed changes
- High dynamic range (40 W/cm2), user changable battery
- Available in different LED specific response bands (L-band)
L365 Spectral Response covers 340-392 nm
L385 Spectral Response covers 360-412 nm
L395 Spectral Response covers 370-422 nm
L405 Spectral Response covers 380-432 nm