Beta Barium Borate (BBO) is a nonlinear optical crystal with a combination of unique features, like wide transparency region, broad phase-matching range, large nonlinear coefficient and high damage threshold.
As a result of its excellent properties BBO crystal has a number of advantages for different applications, like NOPA with fsec pulses, harmonics generation (up to fifth) of Nd:YAG and Nd:YLF lasers, frequency doubling or tripling of femtosecond Ti:Sapphire and dye lasers, OPO at Type 1 and Type 2 phase-matching, E/O switching for Pockels cells and many other.
EKSMA Optics offers:
* BBO crystals with aperture up to 22×22 mm, length up to 20 mm
* Thin BBO crystals down to 5 µm thick
* Crystals with AR, BBAR, P-coatings
* BBO with gold electrodes for electro-optical (e/o) applications
* Different mounting and repolishing services