3/4 inch protector for triphases motors. Various configurations available.
Available in automatic and manual reset.
The motor protector consists of a moulded phenolic base containing three heaters and a
snap-acting bimetal disc With three contacts. The motor protector must be connected to
the three phase electric motor so that the bimetal disc is the neutral point of the motor.
Each contact and each heater is in series With one of the phase windings of the motor.
When the bimetal disc opens because of overheating, the neutral point is open, thereby
shutting down the motor.
The 3T motor protectors are designed to protect three phase induction motors With rated
power up to 2.2 kW ( 3.0 HP ) against overload and locked rotor conditions up to 37A for
each phase.
AUTOMATIC RESET: Main application is protection of three phase induction motors where
reset is required after the natural cooling down of the motor without man supervision.
Models With cover can be used on devices in contact With flammable gases.
MANUAL RESET: Main application is protection of electric motor where automatic reset
would be dangerous or otherwise undesirable (Food Mixers, Chain saws, etc.). Trip-free to
assure contact break independent of manual action.