The I Snap -Single Shot Measuring Machine are designed to measure small, complex parts with a single camera image. I Snap machine uses a High resolution Video Camera with Telecentric Optics and Lighting. The machines are offered with world class MetLogix M3 software with unique advantages.
Product Features
Compact, Lightweight Bench top measuring system.
Can be used on Shop floor and Standard room Laboratories.
I Snap Family is available with 25mm, 40mm, 70mm, 100mm and 125mm diagonal field of view.
It can do simultaneous inspection of multiple jobs.
Repetitive measurements possible without the need of job alignment or referencing.
Supports Automatic pattern recognition.
M3 Software offers unique features like graphics based constructions, quick annote and markup feature for selected measurement, Geometrical tolerances and many more ...
Surface light and backlight are programmable through the software.
Software supports touch screen monitors.;
Software supports DXF import with Best Fit and DXF export.