LOSS OF NEUTRAL PROTECTION 25А – automatic shutdown system voltage at the high voltage. Protection loss of neutral. It is used to protect electrical equipment, household, industrial and office equipment from accidents in the power grid.
ver Voltage Protection for Whole Buildings, Air Conditioners, Freezers, Fridges & Coolers
Protection against:
loss of neutral
High voltage: you can set any voltage.
Ideal for:
Air conditioners
Large fridge/freezers
Whole office
Complete circuits
House & Warehouse
Max power: 25 amps
Effects of Loss of Neutral
In the event of loss of neutral, the single-phase voltage will rise to the three-phase level subjecting your equipment to more 400V instead of 230V. This results in over voltage and can be catastrophic for your appliance. Any electronic appliance connected to the wiring will most likely be damaged due to overheating.
If there are problems with the neutral line, electricity may travel through a different path. This may be via water pipes, stoves and metal taps or any other conductor of electricity. This can be very dangerous, and you may suffer a serious electric shock if you touch something where electricity is present.