Professional carbon monoxide warning device for fixed installation with warning levels and alarm delay times as specified in the DIN EN 50291 standard. Display of the exact measured CO concentrations in ppm on an illuminated plain text display. In the event of an alarm and technical faults detected by the unit itself, a potential-free changeover relay switches in each case, e.g. to activate forced ventilation or to inform the BMS. The internal electrochemical sensor has a service life of 6 to 10 years, depending on the ambient conditions, and can easily be replaced by Elektrotechnik Schabus at the factory.
CO sensor, measuring cell, evaluation and software were subjected to a complex full test according to DIN EN 50291 at TÜV Süd, safety and stability were certified for the system. The professional CO warning system GX-C300 has an internal electro-chemical CO sensor, which provides extremely precise values of the CO concentration. These are shown on a plain text display and processed in a powerful 32-bit microcontroller. The actual alarm is loud with an integrated piezo, the display flashes and a potential-free alarm relay switches. The installation is very simple: The bottom part of all C300 systems contains the screw terminals for the power supply and the two relays and is screwed to a wall in the room to be monitored. In this way, the installation can be retained if, for example, a sensor is replaced, because the sensor, display, μController and evaluation electronics are located in the cover alone, which is simply unplugged.