The Anthos series accelerator pedals are suspended pedals with a metal lever, specifically designed for use on agricultural tractors and off-road vehicles. Anthos pedals meet high standards of performance and quality, also thanks to the integrated architecture of the product, which places the electronic board directly inside the mechanical structure of the pedal.
agricultural machinery, load lifting vehicles, special purpose industrial vehicles
Supply voltage: 5 V; 12-24V; 24-48 V
Output: single / double; option IVS signal
Output types (programmable): voltage (0,5-4,5V; 0-10V) or current (4-20 mA) analog signal; PWM (0.1-1 kHz); CAN (SAE J1939 / CANopen)
IVS types: single / double; NO / NC; dry contact / open drain; programmable switch threshold
Cable and connector: customizable
Operating principle: Hall effect (contactless)
Protection degree: IP67
Circuit redundancy: two isolated and galvanically separated circuits
Return to starting position: two independent springs