Special product for cleaning thermal systems and systems that have been contaminated with water.
contaminated with water.
- elesa® Sisterm Washing Oil Additive is specially designed for cleaning thermal systems and systems that have been
thermal systems and systems that have been contaminated with water and need water removal and corrosion protection.
and corrosion protection.
- It is USDA H2 compliant and can therefore be used in the food industry where there is NO RISK of contamination.
where there is NO RISK of food contact.
- Additive with high solvent and detergent power.
- It has the advantage of being able to wash with the same old oil that we have in the circuit.
- It works without interrupting the service, reduces maintenance and stoppage times, extending the useful life of the oil in the circuit.
- If the circuit is very dirty, a better cleaning can be achieved by draining it and using elesa® Sisterm Washing Oil.
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