In-plant Holiday Detector System ISOTEST® act P2
... one pulse for all
■ porosity testing of FBE and (3 layer) PE / PP coatings with a single device
■ test voltages 2.5 kV / 3.0 kV / 3.5 kV / 4.0 kV / 10.0 kV / 15.0 kV / 20.0 kV / 25.0 kV
■ high-voltage pulse technology
■ no static charging
■ testing according to DIN 30670
■ testing of dirty, damp and even slightly conductive pipe coatings
■ up to 6 test channels - synchronisation of several devices (master / slave mode)
■ “Phantom-Grounding“ – no direct grounding necessary
■ external switch-on / switch-off of the test voltage
■ adjustable sensitivity and filter functions
You can count on ...
■ a compact “all-in-one” device (control unit and high voltage generator in a single compact housing)
continuous operation (three shifts)
■ porosity / leak testing of all non or slightly conductive materials
■ external switch-on / switch-off of the test voltage
■ increased operator safety – thanks to the combination of impulse voltage and smart power control
■ stable test voltage, even under demanding conditions, guaranteed by load-dependent regulation of energy
■ high testing speeds made possible by optimised pulse repetition frequency
■ detection and display of even the smallest holidays and voids by the integral evaluation process – with minimal material stress
■ electrostatic charges – a latent risk for DC devices – are excluded by the use of impulse technology when properly grounded