The ELPRO 115S series allows end users to readily accommodate changing I/O needs as project specifications evolve. The 115S series can be used with ELPRO transceiver-based I/O, Gateway, Ethernet and Serial products to expand input and output count or act as Modbus slave I/O to connect other field devices. Connected via RS485 and communicating ELPRO WIBNetTM or Modbus protocols, the 115S series is available in three versions of I/O count and multiple 115S products may be daisy-chained to accommodate changing application needs.
Applications: Flow meter monitoring, Storage tank monitoring, Pipeline cathodic protection, Pump stop-start, Lighting bank control, Emergency shower notification, Weather station reporting, Bearing condition monitoring, Modbus Slave
-Provides differing I/O count for expanding applications.
-Combine units (daisy-chain) to accommodate additional I/O needs.
-Serial modem expansion I/O for ELPRO transceiver I/O, Gateway and Ethernet Products.
-Modbus RTU slave I/O expansion capability.
-Serial I/O multiplexer featuring ELPRO change of state WIBNet™ protocol.