NTS-3000 is a grandmaster PTP/IEEE1588 and NTP Stratum-1 Network Time Server. Optionally it can be equipped with TCXO* or OCXO* holdover oscillator. The oscillator guarantees precision time for period of missing GNSS satellite signals. Std configuration includes 2x 100Mbps on LAN1-2. The NTS-3000 supports 2x redundant GNSS receiver and has redundant* power supplies option. The sync I/O is 1PPS-input only to connect external freq. ref. This device is suitable for critical infrastructure support. It has uptime counted in years.
NTP, SNTP, IEEE1588:2008, Galileo, GPS, GNSS, TCXO
NTP, SNTP, IEEE 1588:2008, GNSS, Galileo, GPS, 1PPS