Wireless Powerline tunnel gateway. Uni- and bidirectional. Standby loss only 0.4 watt. Modular device for DIN-EN 60715 TH35 rail mounting. 2 module = 36mm wide, 58mm deep. Supply voltage 230V. Connection to the Eltako-RS485 bus. Bus cross wiring and power supply with jumper. This gateway transmits RS485 bus telegrams over powerline with large distance over the electrical net. Minimum 2 pcs FPLT14 are required. Up to 10 FPLT14 can unidirectionally send the bus telegrams of their FAM14 / FTS14KS installation with Powerline to another FAM14/FTS14KS installation via a local FPLT14. Teach-in up to 120 telegram IDs according to the operating instructions, also with PCT14. Two FPLT14 can exchange the bus telegrams bidirectionally from 2 FAM14/FTS14KS installations with Powerline via the installed wires. Teach-in up to 120 telegram IDs according to the operating instructions, also with PCT14. Because of the transmission delay, short-click evaluations for FUD and FSB actuators are not possible.