Veronte Autopilot 1X is a miniaturized high reliability avionics system for advanced control of unmanned systems. This control system embeds a state-of-the-art suite of sensors and processors together with LOS and BLOS M2M datalink radio, all with reduced size and weight.
The unique Pug ´n Fly control system, Veronte Autopilot 1X ads fully autonomous control capabilities to any unmanned system for complete operation, compatible with: UAV, Drone, RPAS, USV, UGV…
- Highly configurable: Veronte control system is fully configurable; payload, platform layout, control phases, control channels… even the user interface layout can be user defined.
- Custom routines:User selectable automatic actions, activated on system event or periodically.
. Actions: phase change, activate payload, move servo, go to, onboard log, parachute release…
. Events: waypoint arrival, inside/outside polygon, alarm, variable range, button…
- Telemetry & log: Embedded datalink for system monitoring and telecommand and customizable user log in both onboard and control station, all with user defined variables and frequency record.
- External sensor: Support for external sensor connection: magnetometer, radar, LIDAR, RPM, temperature, fuel level, battery level, weather…
- Payload & Peripheral: Transponder, secondary radios, satcom transceivers, camera gimbals, motor drivers, photo cameras, flares, parachute release systems, tracking antennas, pass through RS232 & CAN tunnel...
The Veronte Autopilot 1X is designed to control any unmanned vehicle, either aircraft such as: multirotors, helicopters, airplanes, VTOL, blimps… as well as ground vehicles, surface vehicles or many others.