The vacuum leak detector is a fundamental equipment in terms of food safety. It is designed for quality control in food packaging lines and works by checking the existence of vacuum inside the containers, as well as the correct positioning of the lid and the presence or absence of the same. In addition to ejecting from the line the containers without vacuum, it avoids the continuation of the process those containers that are not properly closed or without a lid, thus ensuring that they do not generate problems in the subsequent heat treatment part.
Placed in the part before labeling, we will avoid that any container without safety vacuum can be stored or taken to the market.
The expulsion of the incorrect containers is done to a reject tray or in case of high speeds to a conveyor or dynamic table in parallel, which Emerito S.L. offers as a complement if necessary. We also offer as an option a hinged belt where the equipment can be placed if the customer requires it or in case of not having a sufficiently stable belt for the correct reading of the parameters.
The software that incorporates our vacuum detector (developed completely by EMERITO), allows you to generate different types of notices or both audible and visual alarms and schedule them conveniently to have controlled the range of failures all the time.