Fuel Dispensing Cabinets, technical specifications:
Oven-baked powder coated metal cabinet equipped with key lock and completed with:
• - Switchboard contained in a dedicated IP 55 protection box including on/off switch, emergency button and the minimum level pump shut-off switch.
• - Self-priming rotary vane electro-pump, flow rate 50-70-90 l/min., built in by-pass valve, line strainer, assembled to a 230 Volt AC single-phase motor or 400 Volt AC three-phase motor. Pumps consist of a cast-iron casing, sintered steel rotor and acetalic resin blades, mechanical seals. Protection level: IP55.
• - Nutating-disk fuel meter, designed for non-commercial use only, mechanical readout device with rotating wheels, subtotals can be set to zero and progressive total counter. Accuracy +/- 1% of the flow range after calibration. Repeatability 0,2%, max operating pressure 10 bar.
• - 4 mt. rubber hose for oil and Diesel fuel, equipped with automatic fuel nozzle.
Available Models :
• - TF / 50 (50 l/min. flow rate) equipped with 230/400 V motor pump. (picture 1)
• - TF / 70 (70 l/min. flow rate) equipped with 230/400 V motor pump. (picture 2)
• - TF / 90 (90 l/min. flow rate) equipped with 230/400 V motor pump. (picture 3)
• - TF / BATTERY (50/60 l/min. flow rate) equipped with 12/24 V motor pump. (picture 4)